Thursday, September 19, 2013

School & Parents

Now, I know no one wants to hear another teen rant. But I'm just stating my opinion.

The 3 main things in my life I worry about constantly. First, school. Second, parents. Third, those two subjects in the same sentence.

So my parents are divorced, (who's parents aren't?), and I live with my mother. I use to see my father on the weekends, but he moved to Colorado. He doesn't ever talk to me except when he's drunk. I had to change my number just so he wouldn't call me up and say a million times, "Get your head out of your ass."

My mother on the other hand doesn't drink. She just sits around, spends my child support on smokes and gasoline. She also plays this game me and my step dad got her into as a joke, and now she plays it non-stop. She will not listen to me about anything; school, friends, or any of my requests for her to even possibly give me a few dollars to buy a class shirt, or even a new toothbrush.

I have a job as well. I loaned her almost 300 dollars, with her promising to pay me back in a week or so. That was almost 4 months ago.  She refuses to pay me back now, saying that she already paid me back in full. I know this is sort of mean of me, but she gave me her word that she would.

Back to school.. My mother usually asks me nothing about school. She just drives me. I'm going to let you all in on a little secret... I'm a weekday supplier. If you don't know what that is, good. But the main thing here, I sell pills to dealers. I'm not proud of what I do for a living now, but it's only temporary. She's aware of this, and she doesn't care. The people who I sell too are very trusted.

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